Editing Services
Proofreading: First and foremost, you want your writing to be clean and readable in order to make a great first impression. I will edit your academic article, business document, fiction or nonfiction manuscript for mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, word usage and capitalization. Fee: 1 cent per word.
Copyediting: At this more extensive level of editing, I will help you create better flow, structure, clarity and consistency in your document or manuscript. I will eliminate unnecessary words or sentences, correct faulty syntax, make suggestions for more logical and readable organization, and check for poor transitions and inconsistencies in tone. Fee: 1.5 cents per word.
Developmental Editing: If you need in-depth editing for your fiction or nonfiction project, especially if you are a new author, let me be your second pair of eyes. I will edit your work for plot and character development, voice consistency, writing style and overall clarity. I can also suggest rewrites for those difficult areas with which you may need extra help. Fee: 2.25 cents per word.